Weekly meal plan 8.9.10

Well, our house experienced it’s first rush of house guests this weekend and it survived. I think it’s a keeper. We had my father-in-law Joe’s youth group staying here all weekend and it was a lot of fun. It was a blast meeting new people and showing off our new house. Saturday morning I got brave and decided I wanted made cinnamon rolls for the first time. They turned out really tasty. I think I’m going to make them one more time before I post the recipe and the pics to make sure everything is perfect.

I think this should be a pretty calm week for a change. We definitely need it. I picked up a new stir fry cookbook from Sams last time I was there, so we are going to try one of the recipes from it. If it is good I’ll post the recipe Wednesday. I absolutely LOVE stir frys. They are so tasty and healthy.

Here’s this weeks plan.
Tonight: pork and green beans in a ginger sauce
Tuesday: build your own pizza with whole wheat pizza dough
Wednesday: Fried rice made with leftovers
Thursday: take out after praise and worship practice
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

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