Goals (part 2)

Back in May I put together a list of goals that I wanted to accomplish by the end of the year. I think I did pretty well for myself! I accomplished most of them and ended up enjoying some more than I thought I would. You can click on the titles and see the photos of all the things I have accomplished.

Read more books
I have read tons of books since May and have become an avid reader. I can hardly go to sleep without reading at least a chapter of something that is sitting around. I have a bad habit of going to Barnes and Noble and picking up two or three books at a time and I end up reading most of them eventually. I started reading books on my iphone but I realized that I didn’t like not having a hard copy to put on the shelf or let someone else read.

Learn to drive a standard transmission
I have yet to accomplish this one due to the lack of a vehicle with a standard transmission. I’ll put it back on the list for next year.

Bake more breads
I now love to bake breads but I also hate baking breads because you have to eat them after you bake them. I try not to eat too much bread and when a loaf of home made bread is sitting on the counter it’s hard not to devour the entire thing.

Learn to shoot (and look like Angelina Jolie doing it)
Shooting has become something that Jace and I really like doing together. We both got guns for Christmas and even though he is much better than I am, I’m having lots of fun learning. It is also something I enjoy because It makes me feel like a stronger woman. I never want to feel weak or powerless and this is something that I can do to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Learn photoshop
I still haven’t learned Photoshop. I’m still editing in iPhoto and I’m OK with that.

Climb the alpine tower at Lone Tree
This was something I’ve wanted to for years and have turned into a chicken every time we were out there ready to climb. I’m so stinkin proud of myself for doing it and I’m ready to do it again.

Eat more candlelit dinners
I finished this one up about a week ago. I lit all the candles in the house and the Christmas tree and we had pizza and watched a movie. Very romantic!

Find a piece of seafood that I can stand to eat
So, I’m still not eating much fish. But I’m not afraid of eating it anymore.

I think I’m going to do a new set of goals for 2011. It pushed me to do things I would have never done if it weren’t for a set list and I have come to love some things that I never thought I would ever try much less learn to love. I encourage everyone to begin thinking about your 2011 goal list and hopefully we can accomplish them together.

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