Getting ready for a crazy week

This week started out crazy and hasn’t stopped. We have so much going that I don’t even want to think about it or my head may roll onto the floor. (Ask Jace it does happen!) Anyway, tonight we have a dinner to go to that I’m kind of nervous about because I don’t know anyone where Jace works and tomorrow we are having a barbecue at church. We are cooking and playing games. So I am in the process of getting all of that together. On top of that, I am going to Tulsa with my family on Thursday morning and I have to pack and get ready for that. I don’t know where the time is going to come from to do everything that needs to be done. I’m sure I will manage to get it all in but not without killing someone or something in the process. (that’s just what happens I can’t control it).

Oh by the way, I am now on facebook. Yeah I know I’m way behind. I’m sure by tomorrow it will be uncool and no one will use it but oh well.

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