Weekly meal plan 6.6.11

Hey everyone! Sorry about missing last weeks meal plan. We did absolutely nothing on Memorial Day and it was awesome. This past weekend was great, too. Saturday we spent the afternoon at the shooting range with Jace’s parents. I’m pretty sure I’m getting progressively worse, but I’m having fun so that’s all that matters.

I’m coming up with lots of fundraisers for my trip to Africa. Here in the next couple of months I will be hitting it pretty hard so I can make sure I have all the money I need to go. I am getting more and more excited about the trip and I still have 9 months to go! I really think God is preparing me slowly for this adventure, and I’m interested in the ways he is going to change me just in the preparation phase. I have a heart for the lost more than ever before, and I am slowly realizing that love is the key to everything. We can’t expect others to love us if we don’t love them. I know that seems elementary, but It’s amazing how many people don’t grasp that. Anyway, I’ll stop rambling. This is about food right?

This week is clean out the freezer week. Right now you can’t open the freezer without ducking for cover. I’m getting really tired of ground beef flying out and smashing my toes, so I’m making it a point to not buy any meat this week and cooking what we have. Here’s the plan.

Tonight: steak sandwiches
Tuesday: chicken and rice (either this recipe or this one, not sure yet)
Wednesday: beef quesadillas
Thursday: take out
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

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