Weekly meal plan…fail

I don’t have even close to a plan for this week because this week is going to be completely bonkers. On an exciting note though we know what we’re having! It’s a…..

I can’t tell you. Haha, this is too much fun. We are planning a gender reveal party for our families tomorrow night, so until then my mouth is shut. I am going underground and no one shall know until tomorrow (with the exception of one but she is sworn to secrecy and knows I will drive all the way to Louisiana/Arkansas/Hillbillyville to kick her butt).

Happy eating!!!

2 Responses to “Weekly meal plan…fail”

  1. Adell Says:

    So exciting! Can’t wait to find out! 🙂

  2. Jayme Woliver Says:

    oh how exciting!!! I could never wait long enough for a gender party.

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