Much needed vacation

Last month we decided we needed a vacation before we strangle each other or some other poor unsuspecting citizen. So, on Friday we loaded up the Cadi and headed to Dallas since the Bahamas was out of the question. Bummer, I know! We can never figure out why, but there is just something about Dallas that makes us really happy so, that is where we always head when we need a vacation.

As we pulled into town we stopped by Papasitos, one of my favorite places to eat in Dallas. I could live a very happy and large life on their white wine butter sauce alone. To our surprise and glee our wonderful waitress packed us up some extra food to take to our hotel and munch on.

Saturday we shopped until we dropped. We went to the mall first then Jace talked me to going to Fry’s Electronic Store. My first thought as we walked in was “what did I get myself into? We may never leave here”. This is like the mothership! Jace’s eyes immediately glazed over and we were off. I have to say though, it wasn’t that bad and we didn’t spend too terribly much.

Sunday we managed to find ourselves downtown. We found this AMAZING BBQ place called Sonny Bryans Smokehouse. That was the best meal we had all weekend. The BBQ sauce is so good!
We then had time to kill and the weather was beautiful so we walked around the west end area. We saw where JFK was shot, the old courthouse and I got tons of great photos. We then went and saw Avatar at the 3D IMAX. We arrived, got our tickets that we pre-bought, and stood in line. After being in line for about thirty minutes I realized I bought the tickets for 12:00 and it was 3:30. Crap. I went and begged the little girl behind the counter to please let us in and she thankfully squeezed us in. Literally. Every seat was taken. I really liked the movie but I HATED the stupid glasses you have to wear to see the movie. They don’t fit my little face, so I had to kind of set them on my head. Hour one, they hurt. Hour two, they hurt worse and I was getting agitated. Hour three, I was done, done. The guy beside me was sitting in his seat as well as mine and my head hurt. GET. ME. OUT.! Whoever invents the 3D movie that you don’t have to wear glasses to will be my hero.

All in all we had an amazing weekend. Here are some of my photos and you can see more here.

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