It’s a go!

We got the “green light” this week to start our own college age group at church on Wednesday nights. For quite a while now we haven’t had a class on Wednesdays that catered to the 18-30 age group. It was either the youth group or the regular Wednesday night service. (Big church if you have grown up there) Now we are going to start a group that is going to meet at our house and do a Bible study. We are very excited. The only thing I am dreading is I have to clean the house even more than I already do. YUCK! and we have to figure out how to seat 15 people in our living room. Hopefully we all like each other. So, if you live in Midland and fit the age range we would love to have you. We are planning a kick-off party on April 30. I am thinking it is going to be at a park or something. I don’t know about anyone else but it sounds like fun to me. Anyway I will keep you updated on any new information when it becomes available.

One Response to “It’s a go!”

  1. Linda Says:

    Very exciting!! I think y’all will do great with this!

    love you

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