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Another Music Video

Friday, February 27th, 2009

Another incredible video. This is the most imaginative I’ve seen in a long, long time. Maybe ever. It’s got an incredibly simple concept that was executed beautifully and flawlessly, and the music is pretty great too.

The Coolest Video

Friday, February 13th, 2009

This is the coolest music video I’ve seen in a very, very long time:

Chicken and Waffles

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

Last year I went on business to Detroit where I happened to have one of the strangest combinations of food I can remember having: Waffles and fried chicken. It felt wrong but, at the same time, so good. I’ve told Mandy about it several times since then, and, after seeing it on Food Network recently, we decided to try it on Monday night.

The waffles were the out-of-the-jug shake and pour kind. Yes, we know they’re supposed to be for pancakes: The wife and I happen to like cakey waffles.
Delicious Cakey Waffle
For the chicken, we had a few chicken breasts that we double breaded in egg and flour, seasoning both with salt, pepper, garlic powder and paprika.
Breading station
Then we pan-fried them until they were golden brown and delicious then ground some salt over them just after pulling them out of the pan.
frying chicken
We put the chicken on the syrup’ed waffle, grabbed knife and fork and ate.
Finalised Chicken and Waffles
And it was good. For next time: Try a raspberry or strawberry syrup for that extra weird yumminess.

The Bridge

Thursday, August 2nd, 2007

I’ve always heard that at the end, we humans tend to think about the beginning. As we’re nearing the end of this, the pre-marriage side of our relationship, I’ve started to remember a lot more of the beginnings of our friendship, how that grew into what we have here.

It’s a little strange to think back on the far and distant past, not that it’s really all that far or distant; but it’s not unlike trying to remember the intricacies of a movie you watched last summer. Things seem a little fuzzy, but you remember the good and the very bad. You remember the things you wished you had or had not said, the little remarks that show your true character. You remember walking away in anger when standing tall was the right thing to do. You remember offering constructive (or so you thought) criticism at precisely the wrong time. You remember the look on her face the first time you brought her flowers, or that stuffed dog that was so soft. You remember the hours of time spent in meaningless conversation, exploring each other’s soul. It strikes me odd that so much of who we were then is gone. The naiveté so long passed, the awkward silences, the tensions and anticipations of all those firsts.

It has been a long road to get where we are. We are so very near this upcoming Bridge where our long shared will be ever the same. It’s looming in the distance, awaiting us patiently; the road thereafter remains hidden but waiting in the same. Just as we humans tend to thing of the beginning at the end, we tend also to think of the end at the beginning, though perhaps worry or ponder are a more appropriate word to use. We consider the end from the beginning, wishing it was a memory we could grasp, knowing it is a journey of unfathomable distance and adventure, yearning to understand more. But it is this yearning, these unknown adventures that determine our destination. Too often we humans try so hard to arrive at our destination that we forget the passion of the journey. We often marvel at its stories, wishing we could follow these occasions or flights of fancy just as our heroes have. We could instead learn from our heroes that, though there is a destination, it is the road that beckons our hearts to follow, the adventure that stirs our spirit to action. It is this road that deserves our admiration and devotion, not wherever it takes us.

The Bridge continues to loom, tall and ominous. It signals a beginning, an end and the means to both. Though a journey’s end can be a weighing emotional experience, a journey’s beginning brings an excitement commensurate with the known tasks to be completed on that journey. Fear and tension mingle with anticipation and adventure, foretelling nothing but uncertainty, guaranteeing only my companion, the road, and this Blessed Bridge.

Living Through Time Apart

Thursday, June 7th, 2007

As you may or may not know, I’m working on a project in Canada for the next couple weeks. It’s a great work opportunity, and Halifax is a splendid place to stay. I am really looking forward to my first weekend here when I’ll get to explore the city and spend some time finding out how good the local restaurants are. As great as this trip has been, and will be, the time apart from Mandy has already presented a bit of a challenge.

I never knew how much I’ve come to depend on her. Not just on her incredible ability to take care of me; but, rather, on her smile. Her sense of humour and adventure. Her perspective. But most of all, I realize how much I enjoy the depth of her knowledge of me. She always knows what to say when I need to hear a soothing word. She knows the spot on the back of my neck that she can touch to calm me down. She knows when I just need to vent, and exactly what not to say to keep me going. She’s the only person in the world who can change any of my moods in an instant to whatever mood she likes. She already knows me better than I know myself, and I love that.

Her love and attention have consistently bettered my life, and my sole desire is that I can, in even some small way, offer the same in return.

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