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T minus 6 months…

Thursday, March 8th, 2007

…and counting.  That’s right folks, I just realized that we are now in the home stretch.  In just less than six months (I’m talking minutes less, people), Mandy and I will be married.  It’s kind of freaky, too.  It seems like there’s still so much to do, but most everything is taken care of (thanks, baby and baby’s mom).  She’s ordered her dress, and shown pictures of it to EVERYONE while I was three feet away having my eyes shielded as though the Ark had been opened and all the Nazis were about to die.  She’s ordered the flowers, the catering is taken care of, we need to get tuxes and suits figured out this weekend, she’s got the bridesmaids sorted, and booked the place for the wedding and reception.

Tomorrow, it is my duty and privilege to acquire information about where we can spend our honeymoon.  We were blessed with a great bonus from work that will help us out a whole lot in getting us exactly where we want to go.  Tomorrow, I’m hoping to get to talk to at least one or two travel agents to see how much this whole thing is going to cost.  Once we get some stuff nailed down, we won’t tell anyone.  Not even you, Internet.  I know, you’ve been a great friend, but we’ll require privacy!

Also, seems I’m going to Phoenix on a business trip this next week.  Should be a lot of fun and a whole lot of work, and it ought to help pay for that whole honeymoon thing, too.  Other than that, we’re staying busy with work, school (for Mandy), wedding plans, and playing Wii. That’s right, we got one; but more on that later.  Soon, though.  I promise.

Valentine’s Day

Monday, February 19th, 2007

Well Valentine’s Day has come and gone, and we’ve determined that there is entirely too much stuff to do packed into this short month. First, there’s all the birthdays: Dad’s on the 13th (Happy 50th, geezer), Justin’s on the 14th and Mom’s Birthday is just around the corner on the 24th. Then there’s all the added pressure of Valentine’s day.

Few words can strike such fear and regret into the hearts of men (and the hearts of their wallets, for that matter) as these: “Valentine’s Day”. This year wasn’t too bad in the fear department. Mandy and I spent most of our evening at the Garlic Press, aka the only place in Midland to get decent American cuisine. She had a steak, I had a duck breast and they were both quite excellent. Then we went home like the old people we are and watched TV. It was a fantastic evening, the 13th.

The 14th we spent at church evangelizing the gospel (that the only way to make french fries is to fry them twice), and teaching of the dangers of over used frying oil. Which brings me to my new-found, all-time favorite hobby: cooking.

Our church youth group put on a fund-raising dinner that Mandy and I cooked for. We cooked chicken provençal with lemon-herb rice, spicy steaks with mashed potatoes and a southwest squash and zucchini medley. It was actually pretty good, and it was a whole lot of fun. I’m sure Mandy wanted to kill me at least 39 times during the whole process. We cook together a lot, and I can’t wait to see what we cook up in the years to come.

How We Started

Tuesday, February 13th, 2007

It all started, over eight years ago, in a tiny private school in Midland, Texas. I was in 7th grade, she was in 8th. I had been talking to a friend of mine at the time, saying that I kinda liked this girl. I left him with strict instructions not to tell anyone, so of course he promptly told his girlfriend who happened to be said girl’s best friend. Naturally, said girl found out about my secret crush.

We went to a few parties together around Christmas time, spent a lot of time around each other, but not a whole lot of time in a way that would accommodate a shy boy like myself with opportunity to ask a hot girl like her out. After a few months, she and her talkative friends thought I had given up hope. To their shock and bewilderment, I put together a WordArt sign that read “will u go out w/me?” one Wednesday evening before church, found some alligator clips, hung the sign around my neck while she was on stage playing piano, and waited for her to nod yes from across the room. I know it’s cheesy. I know it’s dumb. I don’t know what possessed her to agree, but it’s been a lot of fun since.

We spent the next almost year learning a lot about each other. Learning how to hold hands, how to kiss, how to really make her mad with all my insecurities. We learned that an improperly handled series of events at a rodeo can almost ruin a relationship. This is a part of our history that not a lot of people know: I screwed up one night, at a rodeo, and she decided to break up with me. It was a hard time for both of us. I know I felt like I’d been ripped apart. Heartbreak at 14 is a weird sensation. You think your life is over, that you’ll never love again, that you’d be better off moving to the mountains and panning for gold only to find out that there’s bears in them thar hills who really dig the smell of fear. I didn’t know what to do. She had left me, but her talkative friend told me to ask her out again. I said no at first, but a few weeks later I decided to reforge my sign.

I don’t remember the day, but it was during algebra class one morning that she got up to leave the class for some reason. I saw my opportunity and I jumped on it. I put my sign folded up into her open book, closed the book, and waited for her to come back. It was at this time that her talkative friend decided to inform me of her current state. “She’s totally over you, you know. She will not say yes.” My hopes were dashed, but a fear came over me. My insides were screaming, Get the sign, THE SIGN, YOU FOOL! So I grabbed the book, tried to shake the sign loose when I heard the footsteps coming down the hall. I had no choice. I would put the book back on her desk, suffer her wrath and rejection and take it like a man.

She got back to her desk. My heart was racing; could I jump through that window? She opened the book. If I run through the wall, will it leave a silhouette of body like road runner’s? She saw the folded sign. All hope was lost, here comes the cold. She read it. My heart was in my seat. She smiled. She leaned over and kissed me. In front of God and all the eighth graders.

It’s been about 7 years since then, and we’ve had so much fun. She’s learned to deal with my temperaments (and how to control them, which is weird for me since I still haven’t figured that out). I’ve learned when to just say, “Yes, ma’am,” and shut up. OK, so I’m still working on that; but I really am getting better. We’ve struggled through the long-distance relationship, and battled through some of the close-quarter stuff, too. And she’s always been there for me. Last October I asked her to marry me. I didn’t have a sign (would have been GREAT, though), but she still said, “Yes.” I can’t believe I’m this lucky, and I can’t wait to start the rest of my life with my best friend and childhood sweetheart.


Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

Mandy and I are engaged. We went to go order the announcements the other day. They’ll be ready for us to send out by the middle of January, so expect the card towards the end of January or early February.

Here’s a sneak preview of the card.


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