Build your own pizza

This is one of the most fun and easiest meals we make. It is great for us because we can try all different kinds of toppings and not waste too much time and money. It would also be fun with kids.

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Forgive me for the bad photos. My camera’s battery died and I had to use my iphone.
We use Pillsburry Thin Pizza Crust . It has a sweet flavor that I love.

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I cut the dough in half so we each have our own personal pizza. You don’t have to cut it if you want a big pizza. I also fold my dough in half to make a thicker crust. Jace likes his thin so he leaves his like it is.

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I like my pizza with tomato sauce, hamburger meat and cheese. I keep cooked hamburger meat in the freezer for meals like this when I don’t need a lot of it.

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Jace likes his with olive oil, bacon, basil and fresh mozzarella cheese.

Next put them in a 400 degree oven and cook or about 20 minutes depending on the toppings you use. After that they are ready to eat!

Build your own pizza

Pillsburry thin pizza crust
any toppings you want on it

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees
Spray two sheet pans with non-stick spray. Cut the dough in half and place one on each pan. Pile on your toppings and put the pizzas in the oven.
Cook for about 20 minutes or until the dough is done in the middle.

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