Cake balls

WARNING…these are fattening and delicious. Proceed with caution

I was introduced to these little balls of deliciousness a couple of years ago at a friends bridal shower. I remember having one and falling in love. Since you can’t eat just one I kept sneaking back up to the table pretending that I was talking or looking at photos and grabbing more. I probably had 5 or 6 by the end of the night.

I knew that night that I had to learn to make these. I just can’t make them very often or I would be in very LARGE trouble (pun intended).

The cool thing about these is they are cheap to make and you can make them into any cake flavor you want. White…delicious, strawberry…refreshing, red velvet…oh my!

Cake balls
1 box of your favorite cake mix
1 carton of white or buttercream icing
1 package of chocolate or vanilla almond bark
extra icing for decoration

Make the cake according to the directions on the box. Cool fully.

Crumble the whole cake into a large bowl. Pour the entire carton of icing into the crumbled cake mix and stir together.

Roll the cake mix/icing mixture into small balls. You may have to get your hands wet to keep the cake mix from sticking to your hands. Place onto sheet trays and put in the freezer for 1 hour to harden.

After an hour melt several squares of the almond bark into a bowl. Dip the cake balls into the bark using a fork to coat them completely. Heat more almond bark as needed. Place on a sheet tray lined with wax paper.

If desired drizzle a different colored icing on top. Let them sit for 20-30 minutes to harden. Store in an air tight container.

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