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Overwhelming Easter

Sunday, April 4th, 2010

Today we celebrated Easter with our wonderful friends and family. We went to church this morning where we watched and were privileged to meet our guest band The Crabb Revival. They were amazing. We were expecting the normal Crabb family southern Gospel but what we actually got was an anointed and very talented group of musicians. Jace made the comment that not only was the Holy Spirit in the building but so was the holy spirit of Stevie Ray Vaughn. The guitarist was very talented.

I watched all the kids at church hunt Easter eggs and sat and talked with friends for a while. Then we went to eat at Memaw and Papaw’s house for lunch. I was surrounded by friends and family all morning then, I just relaxed with my husband this afternoon. Now, I am sitting here overwhelmed by all the blessings God has given me.

We are learning now more than ever that when you are faithful to God, He will be more than faithful to You. We have been blessed more in the last two weeks than we ever have, and it’s all because I know we are right where God wants us. I am sitting here now thinking about the wonderful friends and family we have and fighting tears. He is an amazing God who never ceases to surprise me when I think nothing can be done. What a great day!

Lone Tree

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

Last weekend we went with our church youth group to Lone Tree Bible Ranch in Capitan, New Mexico. This camp was one of the highlights of our teen years and we were so excited to get to go back as sponsors and create new memories with these teenagers. This is the one place that I can go to and not want to come home because of its absolutely stunning beauty. It has an amazing view of Sierra Blanca and the smell of the pine trees takes your breath away.

One of my favorite things to do when we go is to get up early the first morning that we are there, and sit on the porch with a cup of hot chocolate. Then, I get to watch everyone’s faces as they come out of their rooms and see the beautiful view. I don’t know why but I always feel closer to God up there. He really outdid Himself when He made this place.

We both climbed the alpine tower this year. I was very proud of myself because this is the first time I have ever climbed. I actually made it to the top on my first try and didn’t have a panic attack! I threatened to give up several times but my pride got the best of me and forced me to press on even though everything inside me was screaming to stop. I really didn’t want to be the panicked girl half way up wanting to get down. I was even more proud of Jace who climbed to the top of the one side while we were trying to talk a terrified girl, who was squealing very loudly and would not go up or down, into coming down.

It’s amazing how easy it is there to go from the adrenaline rush of the high ropes to sitting around on comfy couches playing music and games. We had an amazing time and I already want to go back.

You can see all of my photos here.

Anniversary Banana Bread

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

11 years ago today my wonderful husband asked me to be his girlfriend. Yes, we still count our dating anniversary because we feel it is a HUGE accomplishment.  I can’t believe it’s been eleven years. I also can’t believe I am old enough to be married and have responsibilities, but that’s another post.  I think we have one of the most interesting stories around. People always ask if we know everything about each other since we have been together for so long, but honestly we continue to learn new things about each other every day.

Wow, that’s been a long time! Since it is our anniversary, but not our marriage anniversary, we aren’t really doing a big celebration. I did however, what to do something small so I decided to make his favorite banana bread.

I never liked banana bread until I made it one day to surprise Jace. From then on I really like it. But the weird thing is we don’t like it with nuts. Nope, only the bread with maybe some chocolate chips in it. As crazy as that sounds it’s really good. The great thing that I love about making breads is you can make two and wrap one up and give it to a friend or family member. So not only will your spouse love you but so will everyone else. Score all the way around! Also you can make this into killer muffins.

Anniversary Banana Bread
adapted from Fresh From The Oven

2 ripe bananas, peeled and mashed
1/2 cup sour cream
2 large eggs
lemon zest of one lemon
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups cake flour
10 tablespoons sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
10 tablespoons unsalted butter

Various possible toppings:
chopped nuts
chocolate chips

Heat the oven to 350 degrees and grease your loaf pan or muffin tin.

Mash the bananas with a fork. Combine mashed bananas and the sour cream in a bowl and stir together. Add in the eggs, lemon zest and vanilla extract.

Next, in a mixing bowl combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt on low speed (unless you want a mess) until it mixes together. Add in the butter and half of the banana mixture and mix together. When everything comes together increase the speed of the mixer to medium and mix for about 2 minutes. Add the remaining banana and beat well.

Pour the batter into your greased pan and bake for 40-45 minutes in a loaf pan or 20-30 minutes in muffin tins. It is ready when a toothpick comes out clean.

Weekly meal plan 3.29.10

Monday, March 29th, 2010

After an amazing weekend in the mountains, it’s time to get back to reality and cooking my own food. It was very nice not having to cook and getting served very tasty food all weekend. I think the thing I liked the best was I could eat and know I was going to burn all the calories I ate when we did all our activities. Now I have to count calories again. Boo!

Here’s this weeks plan.

Tonight: King Ranch casserole (I made it last week but we didn’t get to eat it)

Tuesday: fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy and some kind of veggie

Wednesday: five spice stir fry

Thursday: take out before practice

Friday: date night

Saturday: beans and cornbread

Happy eating!

Mom’s bread pudding

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

This recipe I got from my lovely mom. Ever since I was little I can remember loving her bread pudding. It’s so sweet and creamy and I know you’ll fall in love with it too. Any time I have leftover bread on the counter or in the freezer that I want to get rid of I make mom’s bread pudding. It is great warm or cold in the fridge and the great thing is it’s pretty hard to mess this recipe up.

You will need 10 to 12 slices of bread, 5 eggs, 4 tablespoons butter ,1 1/2 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 2 cups milk.

In a large bowl, tear the bread into small chunks.

Pour in the sugar

and the cinnamon. Stir together.

Pour in the eggs and mix together.

In the 8×10 pan you are going to cook the pudding in melt the butter in the oven.

Yum… butter. Roll the butter around in the pan to grease the bottom.

Pour the remaining butter into the bread mixture and stir. Careful not to burn yourself!

Pour just enough milk to the mixture to make it look almost like a cake batter. You probably won’t use the full 2 cups.

This is what it should end up looking like.

Pour the batter into the greased pan.

Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar over the top and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to one hour.

…and serve!

Mom’s bread pudding

10 to 12 slices of bread

5 eggs whipped

4 tablespoons butter, melted

1 1/2 cup sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

2 cups milk

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

In a large bowl, tear the bread into small chunks. Pour in the sugar and the cinnamon. Stir everything together. Add the eggs and mix.

In the 8×10 pan that you are going to cook it in melt the butter in the oven. Roll the butter around to grease the pan. Pour the leftover butter into the bread mixture and stir well.

Pour just enough milk to the mixture to make it look almost like a cake batter. You probably won’t use the full 2 cups.

Pour the batter into the greased pan.

Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar over the top and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

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