Weekly meal plan 1.18.10
Monday, January 18th, 2010This week is a little strange because I am still on the Daniel fast until Wednesday evening. So the first part of the week is fast appropriate and the last part will be everything that I haven’t had in ten days.
I am so excited for Friday because Jace and I are taking a mini-vacation to Dallas. I always love our little get-a-ways. We are going to sleep in and shop. We are also going to go to the farmers market before we head back home on Sunday and get lots of very fresh fruits, veggies and meat. We started doing this last year when we went to Dallas and it is so fun to walk around outside in the cool morning air and fill our bags with goodies.
Here is this week’s meal plan.
Tonight: baked potatoes with vegetarian chili
Tuesday: white bean bisque and salad
Wednesday: end of Daniel fast feast!!!!
Thursday: Fried chicken and mashed potatoes
Friday: leaving for Dallas!