Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

Weekly meal plan 2.27.12

Monday, February 27th, 2012

photo via Inspired Design

Is anyone else ready for Spring? I’m ready for little dresses, farmers markets and picnics! Every time I pull out one of my sundresses the weather turns ugly. Ugh, come on Springtime!

Here’s this weeks meal plan full of a bunch of old faithful recipes.

Tonight: roasted chicken (roasted like we do our turkey), salty potatoes and salad.
Tuesday: 5 spice stir fry with squash, zucchini, mushrooms, bell peppers, onion, and noodles
Wednesday: chicken pot pie/shepherds pie. I’m going to throw all the leftovers from Monday night into a casserole dish and bake it. We’ll see how it turns out.
Thursday: pork chops with shells and cheese. We’ve been trying to make this meal for weeks and something come up every time we plan for it.
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

Weekly meal plan 2.20.12

Monday, February 20th, 2012

This is one of my favorite photos from my Africa trip

Tonight: clean out the pantry pasta. We’ll be using celery, onions, Earl Campbell’s hot links, shrimp (for Jace) and anything else I can throw in there. I love this dish!
Tuesday: Steak and mashed potatoes with a spicy cream sauce on top.
Wednesday: pork chops and mac and cheese
Thursday: take out after praise and worship practice
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

Weekly meal plan 2.6.12

Monday, February 6th, 2012

The first salad I actually liked.

Mandy’s coming home this week which means I need to clean this crap up. The meals in the early part of the week are for just me and are designed to be easy to cook and clean up so I can learn how to turn on this Dyson. The rest of the week’s meals are what I’m sure Mandy will want after being out of Texas for so long.

Monday: Shrimp Tacos. These were awesome last week and Mandy won’t be back so I can have seafood in the house.
Tuesday: Steak, ‘taters and the same salad from last week. It was good, and I’m going to eat salad again.
Wednesday: Steak fingers and fries. Mandy told me she needs ketchup. This meal needs ketchup. I’m a matchmaker.
Thursday: Pork chops with shells and cheese. Right after ketchup, she said she needed shells and cheese. Matchmaking.
Friday: Date Night.

Weekly meal plan 1.30.12

Monday, January 30th, 2012

What I'll Try To Blame The State Of My House On When Mandy Gets Back From Africa

So while Mandy’s off in Africa, I decided I’d try to keep busy. I have almost a week’s worth of new recipe ideas of things I like to eat and things I want to cook, attempting also trying not to get scurvy while she’s gone. I might have gone a little overboard with that whole “keep busy” idea, because the menu is somewhat tricky and I have a list of things to do and a more important list of things not to do (I’m not allowed to set fire to anything except the burners of the stove, for example) around the house while she’s gone.

Tonight: Balsamic Chicken, Rice Provençal, Mimosa Salad. Yes, salad. I’m trying to branch out, and it may end up being something Mandy will get to try on Valentine’s Day.
Tuesday: Filet Mignon, Roasted Baby Potatoes with Chive butter, Pan Roasted Haricot Vert. I may get in trouble for doing this because Mandy loves this dish.
Wednesday: Shrimp Fajitas. I never get to eat sea food because Mandy can’t stand the smell or texture of any of it, so I aim to rectify this deficiency somewhat with this dish.
Thursday: Tea Brined and Roasted Cornish Hen, Mashed Potatoes, Corn. I love everything about roast chicken. Make all of that in a serving for one? Yes, please.
Friday: No idea. Probably Long Johns or something sea-foody.

Weekly meal plan 1.23.12

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Friday is the big day!!!

I head out at 5:00 Friday morning for Africa. As you can imagine it is complete chaos around our house right now. Packing, organizing and shopping! I have a sketchy meal plan but we probably won’t stick with it. Here’s what little I have.

Tonight: Jace is going to throw together a chicken and sausage pasta with a lot of stuff that we have in the pantry and fridge. These are always tasty!
Tuesday: pork chops and rice

That’s all I have. We will more than likely be eating something on the run for the next few nights.

Happy eating!

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