Archive for the ‘Mandy’ Category

So Blessed

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012


This is my view as I am sitting here, typing this one handed. The only lights are the Christmas tree and I’m listening to Glen Hansard. I can’t help but wonder (sorry for the corny Carrie Bradshaw moment) why am I so blessed? I have the most amazing husband, the cutest most adorable little bright eyed, bald baby and the most wonderful family on both sides. On top of that our beautiful home that always smells like food (I love that about it!), sweet friends and stinkin awesome church family.

All I know is I am going to make a conscious effort to thank God over and over for everything He has blessed me with. He chooses to bless me with all this even when I don’t deserve it only because he loves me.

Welcome to the world Connor!

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Hello everyone! Let’s play catch up…

Mr. Connor Miles was born on November 8 at 2:41am. I was scheduled to have a c-section on the 12th but the stubborn little boy decided he was going to show me that I can schedule all I want, but he’s going to do what he wanted to do and come a couple of days early. He was 7 lbs 12 oz and 19.25 in long.

We are so in love with this awesome little boy. This has been the most exhausting but awesome 4 weeks and I am so excited to watch my little boy grow. I thank God every day for blessing me with the most amazing gift ever.

A letter to my baby boy

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Dear sweet baby boy,

We honestly cannot wait to meet you! You are at 30 weeks now and growing quickly. We had an ultrasound the other day and got to see your adorable little face and fell in love. Your photo is now the first thing I see when I pick up my phone and it makes me smile ever time. You are 4 pounds now and they tell me you could get to 8 pounds if you stay in for the whole time you are supposed to. While I really want to see you soon, you can stay in as long as you need to be healthy. You are rolling around like crazy, and I’m pretty sure you are using my bladder as a trampoline and my ribs as a punching bag. It was cute for awhile. You have a beautiful name but we are being ornery and not telling anyone until you make your grand arrival. It’s just more fun for us that way.

Your daddy is already planning outings to the shooting range for you guys. I guess I’m going to have to find tiny ear and eye protection and maybe an all terrain stroller for you. I’m pretty sure you already have him wrapped around your finger even though you haven’t even met yet.

You start moving every time I sing on stage. It makes me smile and then I forget my words, but that’s ok. I am going to miss it when you’re not in there.

Keep growing strong and healthy, baby boy.


Weekly meal plan 8.13.12

Monday, August 13th, 2012

Photo via Pinterest

Tonight: pork chops and lemon thyme rice and oven fried okra
Tuesday: ranch style chicken sandwiches and french onion soup
Wednesday: mexican lasagna (this is a trial run. If it turns out good I’ll put up the recipe)
Thursday: take out after practice
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

Baby update

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

I can’t believe tomorrow we will be at 24 weeks. It seems like just yesterday I took the test and found out I was pregnant!

I am feeling great and the dr says everything looks to be right on track. Jace’s new amusement is my belly button. It is completely flat and kind of funny looking. I only have one craving and it’s guacamole. I never really liked the stuff before I got pregnant, but now I could clean up one of the HEB containers in one sitting.

Baby boy has decided that it is dance time any time I try to relax. I’m pretty sure he just waits for me to sit down and put my feet up to have a dance party. He also likes to wait until I am mid-verse, slow song, Sunday morning to do a belly flop and knock me out of breath.

We only have about 3 1/2 months left to go, and I am both ready for it to be here and terrified because we don’t have hardly anything ready. We have the nursery painted but there isn’t anything in there yet. Slowly but surely we’re getting it done though.

Baby boy we can’t wait to meet you!

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