Archive for the ‘Mandy’ Category

Weekly meal plan 7.30.12

Monday, July 30th, 2012

Photo via Pinterest

Tonight: crockpot bbq pulled pork on Texas toast with chips
Tuesday: steak and pasta with marinara sauce
Wednesday: sichuan chicken noodle soup
Thursday: take out or leftovers after praise and worship practice
Friday: birthday party for me!!

Happy eating!

Weekly meal plan 7.23.12

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

Tonight: Jace is coming home from a work trip today so we are going to eat out.
Tuesday: My birthday dinner!!! We are making steak fingers and fries.
Wednesday: 5 spice chicken stir fry
Thursday: not sure yet
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

Fourth of July Babymoon

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

Every 4th of July our shop closes down for the week to give our employees some rest. Jace decided to take this week off also and we went out of town. First we went with my parents to see my grandparents in Tulsa. It was so great to see everyone there since I haven’t seen them in several years.

My grandma has a garden with tomatoes and cucumbers. They are delicious!

Next we traveled down to the DFW area to Rockwall and stayed a couple of days on the lake. My favorite part was being able to sit on our balcony and watch the sunset over the lake. It was so peaceful and relaxing. I loved spending time with Jace and walking around the harbor every evening to the various restaurants to get dinner. It was a great week!

Weekly meal plan 7.9.12

Monday, July 9th, 2012

This was a photo we took on the lake last week when we took a vacation. It was wonderful, but more on that later. Here’s this week’s meal plan.

Tonight: roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and corn on the cobb
Tuesday: slow cooker pulled pork sandwiches and chips
Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner
Thursday: take out after praise and worship practice
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

It’s a Boy!!!

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

We are so excited to announce that we are having a boy!

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been feeling guilty for wanting a boy because I figured I would feel terrible if we had a girl and I was wanting a boy. But, I’m glad to say that I got what I wanted. The doctor says that he looks great and everything is developing exactly as it should. I’d like to say he’s beautiful, but I can’t lie he still looks a little like skeletor. Also, I can’t ever really see anything in the sonograms. But, I’m sure he’s beautiful!

We had a party for our families Tuesday night and it was a blast! I loved seeing everyone’s reaction when I cut the cake and it was blue.

With one final guess the vote was right.

It was a very special night that I will never forget. I am honestly kind of living in a blur with the whole pregnancy. I am still shocked that I’m actually pregnant and everything is going well. I want to thank everyone for their sweet comments on Facebook and texts. I am so happy and sure that this baby will be the most loved baby in the world because of all of you.

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