Archive for the ‘Mandy’ Category

Weekly meal plan…fail

Monday, June 25th, 2012

I don’t have even close to a plan for this week because this week is going to be completely bonkers. On an exciting note though we know what we’re having! It’s a…..

I can’t tell you. Haha, this is too much fun. We are planning a gender reveal party for our families tomorrow night, so until then my mouth is shut. I am going underground and no one shall know until tomorrow (with the exception of one but she is sworn to secrecy and knows I will drive all the way to Louisiana/Arkansas/Hillbillyville to kick her butt).

Happy eating!!!

Weekly meal plan 6.18.12

Monday, June 18th, 2012

Photo via Pinterest

I couldn’t help but post this photo. I can’t wait to find out what we’re having so I can start buying little clothes!!

Tonight: pork chops with pico de gallo, mashed potatoes, and squash and zucchini.
Tuesday: spaghetti bolognese. This is a great recipe, definitely worth the time to make.
Wednesday: mexican chicken casserole. I haven’t tried this recipe before. I’ll let you know how is comes out!
Thursday: Sautéed chicken breast with cilantro lime rice.
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

Tex-Mex Cheesesteak Sandwiches

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

This dish was something that popped into Jace’s head one night at dinner and we decided to try it. It was definitely a winner! I just went and bought Rosa’s queso because I like theirs better than mine. If you want to make you’re own more power to ya. Guacamole would also be really good on this sandwich.

Tex-Mex Cheesesteak Sandwiches

1 pound skirt steak or flank steak cut into small strips
1 poblano pepper, julienned
1 onion, julienned
Your favorite fajita seasoning
deli rolls

Liberally season the steak with the fajita seasoning (seriously, don’t be shy). Cook over medium high heat until it is to your desired doneness. Remove the meat and put the onions and peppers in the pan. Cook until soft and remove from pan. Cut the deli roll in half and load it up with the meat and peppers. Pour queso over the top and devour. So good!

Weekly meal plan 6.11.12

Monday, June 11th, 2012

Photo via Pinterest

Tonight: we are trying our own idea. Southwest cheese steak sandwiches. We are basically making fajitas and putting them on a deli roll with some queso, we’ll see how it turns out.
Tuesday: spicy pork stir fry with squash, zucchini and noodles
Wednesday: baked lemon chicken breasts with lemon thyme rice
Thursday: chile Colorado burritos
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

My week in photos

Friday, June 8th, 2012

Mary Elise eating ice cream on our day out.

My laptop was in her way.

Summer evenings are my favorite.

Our first basket of veggies from our CSA share.

I was missing Africa so I wore my bracelet I bought there.

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