Archive for the ‘Mandy’ Category

Cheesy Spinach Dip

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

We have been looking for more ways to incorporate vegetables into our meals lately. Neither one of us eat a lot of vegetables, but we would like to eat more before the baby comes so we’ve been slowly making meals with more color in them. I found this recipe on Pinterest and noticed it was pretty much the same recipe I used for my queso dip, but with frozen spinach thrown in. What’s even better is you can’t taste the spinach! The original recipe calls for bacon which any other time I would do in a split second, but apparently this baby doesn’t appreciate bacon and I have to leave it out. BOOOO!!!! I made this in a dutch oven on the stove but it can just as easy be cooked in a slow cooker or in the microwave in a microwave safe bowl.

Cheesy Spinach Dip
1 package Velveeta cheese (I use 2% Velveeta), cut into small cubes
1 can ro-tel tomatoes
1 package (10 oz) frozen spinach, thawed
1/4 cup milk

Put all ingredients into the bowl of the method of cooking that you choose (microwave, dutch oven or slow cooker). Cook until cheese is melted stirring occasionally until incorporated. If you are using a microwave I would recommend cooking in 2 minute increments until fully melted stirring after every 2 minutes. This keeps nicely as long as you keep it warm so I keep in on the stove top on a very low heat, stirring occasionally.

Weekly meal plan 6.4.12

Monday, June 4th, 2012

photo found here

Tonight: I have a meeting so it’s eat whatever you can find night
Tuesday: roasted chicken and pesto croissant sandwiches with chips
Wednesday: Southwest steak with peppers and mashed potatoes
Thursday: clean out the fridge chicken casserole
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

My week (or past couple of weeks) in photos

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

Running sound for the Mike Mains and the Branches concert

Afternoon snack

Grilling veggies

Matt playing Steph-o’s guitar

My wonderful brother and sister-in-law brought me a blizzard

Weekly meal plan 5.23.12

Monday, May 21st, 2012

photo via Pinterest

Tonight: grilled chicken and pineapple quesadillas with grilled veggies. Something like this but without the bbq sauce.
Tuesday: roasted chicken with baby potatoes and carrots
Wednesday: red beans and rice
Thursday: take out night
Friday: date night!

Happy eating!

Weekly meal plan 4.23.12

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

Tonight: jambalaya
Tuesday: breakfast for dinner! Pancakes, sausage and eggs.
Wednesday: crockpot roast and potatoes
Thursday: take out after practice
Friday: date night

Happy eating!!

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