Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Weekly meal plan 1.11.10…early

Friday, January 8th, 2010

I wanted to post my meal plan a little bit early so that if anyone wants any of my recipes or tips for the Daniel fast they can get them before we start on Sunday.

Monday: teriyaki rice and veggies
Tuesday: Pasta with eggplant puree
Wednesday: veggie burritos
Thursday: salad
Friday: Whole wheat veggie pizza
Saturday: pinto beans and cornbread (cornbread for Jace)

I’ll post recipes as I cook them next week. I am very excited for this new adventure!

Happy eating!

Daniel fast recipes

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

Since there are several people in our church doing the Daniel fast next week I wanted to pull some recipes out of our archives that you can eat. We are doing this fast to deepen our relationship with God and to center ourselves around what God is going to do in the coming year in our lives and in our church. There are many variations of the fast and I don’t think there is any “right” way to do it. I will be eliminating meat, dairy, white flour and anything made with it, sugar and carbonated beverages. While this sounds terrible it isn’t all salads and fruit. Here are a couple of choices to pick from. You can also browse the vegan websites and books for some recipes also.

Here is my recipe for Guacamole. Since chips are out you can buy pita bread and cut it into chips and toast them in the oven to make them crispy. They are delicious!

Tyeriaki rice and veggies is a great choice because it taste’s so much better than just rice and veggies. Since we can’t do white rice you can either by brown rice if you have time and put the veggies in after about 40-45 minutes of cooking or you can buy minute brown rice and cook it in the microwave then saute it with your veggies.

If you are leaving dairy in your diet you can eat this zucchini carbonara recipe without the bacon.

These baked sweet potato fries would be good with a salad. Try your hardest to ignore the chicken that’s also in that post.

Weekly meal plan 12.28.09

Monday, December 28th, 2009

Can you believe this year is almost over? It seems like just yesterday we were toasting to 2009. It has been a great year and I’m excited to see what’s to come in 2010.

I think we are almost back on a normal eating schedule, finally. Here’s what I have planned for this week.
Tonight: cheese steak sandwiches
Tuesday: Sautéed chicken with pasta and marinara sauce
Wednesday: Clean out the fridge night! Eat whatever you can find that’s still good.
Thursday: Not sure yet. It depends on how long it takes us to close the books at my work.

That’s as far as I’ve got. Hope you all have a great week and be safe on New Year’s!

Happy eating!

Weekly meal plan 12.22.09…sort of

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

I just realized it is Tuesday and I was going to do this yesterday but I suddenly became very sick and couldn’t get off the couch to even get my laptop much less put a couple of words together and write a post. No, yesterday was not a fun day and I don’t recommend anyone getting a stomach bug the week of Christmas. I was met a work this morning by cakes and doughnuts and everything my stomach needs to revolt against me. But, I am feeling much better today and hopefully by tomorrow I can enjoy all of the amazing Christmas goodies we are going to have.
I don’t have much of a meal plan this week because we do have several more Christmas and birthday parties but here’s what i’ve got.

Tuesday: big, fat hand crafted hamburgers and sweet potato fries for Jace and whatever my stomach will allow me to eat.
Wednesday: out to dinner for dad’s birthday
Thursday: grilled chicken and mashed potatoes
Friday: Christmas!

We are making the turkey this year and I’m so excited. Our turkey should win awards if you ask me. I am also making my first pumpkin pie. I will be sure to take lots of photos and put them up if it turns out ok. If you don’t see photos then you will know that it went very badly and I don’t want to talk about pumpkin pie ever again.

Also, Saturday I made pizza dough from scratch and it was so good. I’ll get that recipe up very soon.

Happy eating!

Two year anniversary

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

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At this time two years ago I was getting ready to walk down the aisle and marry my amazing husband. I have to say it has been an great two years. He is truly my other half and I don’t know what I’d do without him. He loves me when I’m in my sweat pants, no make up and grouchy. He also loves me just the same when I’m at my best. Jace, thank you for being my husband. I love you more than you will ever know.

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