Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

My 24th Birthday

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

On July 24th I turned 24. I can’t believe I am that old. I remember like it was yesterday turning 16. Anyway, we went pretty low key this year and I just wanted to relax. My wonderful husband did an amazing job helping me in my quest to not do anything, he even proclaimed it “no diet day” (which I extended it to “no diet weekend”). The morning after my birthday I woke up to an amazing breakfast of homemade biscuits and gravy. It was so good. dsc_0027_1
We then proceeded to do nothing. And it was everything I dreamed of.
On Monday we had a small party with my family at my parents house. Here are some of the photos. You can go here for lots more.




Our very eventful Easter weekend.

Monday, April 13th, 2009

We had a very eventful weekend and most of it had nothing to do with Easter. Saturday we slept in and eventually went and had lunch and when we came home Jace went to playing the Playstation and I started baking for Easter. So we had no idea that nasty weather was pulling in and was about to reek havoc on our house. When we were cooking dinner we heard a little thunder and thought nothing of it. It was cool that we were going to get rain. Then the rain started getting heavier and all of a sudden the clouds decided to start throwing hail at our windows. It broke our upstairs window and rained all in our master bedroom on all of our new furniture. Needless to say, I was a basket case. Crying, cleaning, worrying you name it and I was doing it. After the longest three minutes ever the hail stopped and I called for backup. Dad, mom and Matt came over and helped us put plywood over the window and clean up the glass.
Easter Sunday was thankfully very uneventful. We got up and went to church then had lunch with my family. Then we came home and did nothing. It was wonderful. We watched movies and called in dinner. My idea of a great evening. Now all we have to do is get the window repaired and since the people who run our apartment are the slowest moving people ever it could be a while. Pray it gets resolved quickly or I may go nuts.

Refuel Youth Revival

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

We are so excited that this week our Church is having a youth revival. It starts tonight and goes until Thursday night. There will be lots of music and food and great teaching. The band Greater is He will be here plus Parker McDonald will be doing a show. We have some GREAT prizes to give away. We are giving away a car! It’s true. We are also giving away a laptop to those who aren’t old enough to get a car. We are very excited and are praying for great things to happen. If you know any teenagers in the west Texas area tell them about this. It is going to be great! For more information see our youth group’s website

My weekend in Oklahoma

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

This weekend I went with my parents and brother to see my grandparents in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I know not the most exciting place in the world. Like the man in the apple store told me, you only visit or move to Tulsa unless you have family there. Unfortunately Jace didn’t get to go with me this time so I had to endure it on my own.
We left thursday morning at the ungodly hour of 7:00 am and got there around 4:00 where we proceeded to continue to sit and watch tv. I really did enjoy getting to see my grandparents though. It has been almost a year since I’ve last seen them and I’m not sure how much longer my grandpa is going to be with us so I like to take every opportunity to see him. We did a little shopping and I played with my two cousins Keely and Gavin. They are adorable but will wear you out. We also went to a car show where I fell in love with the Nissan Murano. I think that will eventually be my next car. I also fell in love with a little Mercedes convertible but I was told I was going to have to figure out my hourly rate and find a street corner to get that one so I went back to the Nissan section.
All in all it was a great weekend but I am very glad I am home and in my own bed next to my wonderful husband. Absence does make the heart grow fonder.

Getting ready for a crazy week

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

This week started out crazy and hasn’t stopped. We have so much going that I don’t even want to think about it or my head may roll onto the floor. (Ask Jace it does happen!) Anyway, tonight we have a dinner to go to that I’m kind of nervous about because I don’t know anyone where Jace works and tomorrow we are having a barbecue at church. We are cooking and playing games. So I am in the process of getting all of that together. On top of that, I am going to Tulsa with my family on Thursday morning and I have to pack and get ready for that. I don’t know where the time is going to come from to do everything that needs to be done. I’m sure I will manage to get it all in but not without killing someone or something in the process. (that’s just what happens I can’t control it).

Oh by the way, I am now on facebook. Yeah I know I’m way behind. I’m sure by tomorrow it will be uncool and no one will use it but oh well.

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