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Things I am liking right now

Sunday, January 18th, 2009
  1. I am really enjoying netflix right now. Though at first I didn’t think it would be worth it, we really like it now. We get to see all the movies we want and don’t have to wait in line at the rental store. Very handy.
  2. Rob Bell’s new book “Jesus Wants To Save Christians”. I wanted a book that would challenge me and make me think and this definitely does the trick. I am only two chapters into it and am already blown away with the things I have learned so far.
  3. The other day at the airport my hands were dry and starting to crack from washing them so frequently. We stopped in the L’Occitane store and bought their shea butter hand cream. It is so good. It isn’t sticky like most lotions and my hands felt wonderful after I used it.

Cabin fever

Sunday, December 28th, 2008

After an amazing week in Georgia with Jace’s family we are right now at the airport waiting to board the flight from Houston to Midland. We have been in this airport for five hours now and I am getting a severe case of cabin fever. Please disregard any typing errors because I am doing this on my iPhone.
Christmas was great for us this year. I have to admit that it was a little bittersweet because I wasn’t with my family this year but I totally understand the need to share. We left on Christmas day to fly to Atlanta and we got off to a pretty rough start. Our flight was supposed to leave at 7:30 am and it was delayed until 9:00. This made us miss our next flight. I thought that this was a sure sign Christmas was going to be rough but after we finally got to Atlanta and then to Athens it was smooth sailing from then on. We relaxed and ate a lot. I am officially on a detox diet to flush out all of the butter and grease that I gladly put into my body. Everything was so good and I just couldn’t say no. It was great to just relax and be with family for a couple of days. We just wish it could have been longer. It is now 8:23 pm and we are very ready to get home. We have about another hour and if no problems arise we will be home free. I took lots of photos and will gladly put them up as soon as possible.

Cell Phone Etiquette

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Working in customer service can really get on your last nerve sometimes. I mean the very last one that is still hanging onto your sanity for dear life. Yes, that one. The one thing that really, really bothers me more than anything though is people who have no respect for others in regards to their cell phone. Yes I know there are important people in the world (and some who just think they are important) but you still have to be courteous to those around you. So I have devised a couple of rules of etiquette to help everyone.

  1. When you go into a place of business please hang up your phone. It is really hard to talk to you while you are in the middle of a conversation. And remember you came to this place of business they didn’t come to you. If possible finish your conversation in the car before you come into the building. If that isn’t possible go in and move to the side where you are not in the way and please talk quietly. Nothing like trying to talk over someone screaming in the corner.
  2. Please, for goodness sakes, turn your cell phone on vibrate or better yet off while you are in a quiet setting or somewhere where people are trying to pay attention to something besides you. Here are some examples:
    • Church: It is very aggravating to be sitting in church listening to the pastor and in the middle of altar call you hear the latest hit on the top 40 blaring through the church. Let me fill you in: It not only disrupts the flow of service and where it might have been leading but it also disrupts the Pastor and anyone on the stage at the time. If you must, turn your phone on vibrate and if it rings only leave the sanctuary when it is an appropriate time. Don’t get up and leave during altar call. It is VERY rude.
    • Movie: They have the dancing candy for a reason. People paid good money to see that movie and they don’t want to listen to you talking to your buddy two rows down. I know the movie is loud and you can’t hear your friend so you think you need to scream so they can hear you. But take your call outside. Or better yet, call them back after the movie is over.
    • Wedding: Do I really even have to go here? Unless you want the bride to come off the stage and tackle you in the middle of the wedding (and she will) turn off the phone!
  3. Never put any song that is vulgar, demeaning or plain stupid on your ringer. I don’t mind the ringers so much but you must remember that not everyone listens to the same music and likes the F word in the song 30 times. Please be courteous to those around you who might find it offensive.
  4. The worst invention in the history of cell phones is the ringback. I call many people on a daily basis and hate getting those. I would much prefer the traditional “ring ring” that has always been there. Don’t force your bad music on everyone else.

Things I am liking RIGHT NOW!

Tuesday, December 9th, 2008

Maybe I should have titled it “Something I am liking right now” because I only have one thing for you. It is Starbucks peppermint mocha twist. It is wonderful and totally worth fighting the Christmas/Starbucks traffic for. I sat in line for like 25 minutes this morning to get mine and it was worth every second.

Things I am liking right now (Thanksgiving edition)

Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

When I think about Thanksgiving I think of many things. I think about the smell of cooking turkey and sweet potatoes. I think of wrapping up in a cozy blanket and watching a movie. I think of spending time with family. Thanksgiving is always a great day of food and relaxation. Here are a couple of things that are going to make my Thanksgiving better.

I have this red blanket that I love. I take it everywhere. It is perfect for leaving on the couch or taking with you on trips. It is perfect size for me and it is SO soft.

There is a song out right now called “The Show” by Lenka. It is so cute. Every time I hear it I start smiling.

We bought some nutmeg from The Spice House the other day and I swear you can tell a big difference between fresh nutmeg and ground nutmeg. I made some pumpkin bread the other day and it was like a new recipe. You could taste the nutmeg and it was so good. This website is where we buy most of our spices and they are all very good. Be careful though because there is a lot to choose from and we always end up buying more than we need.

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