Dinner tonight: Zucchini Carbonara


We tried a new recipe tonight that was so good I had to share it with everyone. It is a Zucchini Carbonara that was wonderful. The original recipe was from a website called Serious Eats and was enough to feed an army so I cut it in half. If you decide to make enough food to feed an army just double it. Oh and sorry for the bad photography. My real camera wouldn’t work and I was too hungry to get another one so I took it with my phone.

Zucchini Carbonara
adapted from Serious Eats

2 medium zucchini
1/2 pound whole wheat penne (I use whole wheat pasta whenever available but regular pasta is fine)
3 egg yolks
1 handful Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon olive oil
6 thick slices of bacon, cut into small pieces
3 sprigs fresh thyme, leaves removed
salt and pepper

Bring a large pot of salted water to boil and cook pasta.

While the pasta is cooking, slice the zucchini into small rounds.

Combine the egg yolks in a bowl with half the Parmesan cheese and lots of salt and pepper. Stir with a fork to combine.

Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add olive oil. Fry the bacon until it is almost crispy, then add the zucchini and thyme. Cook until the zucchini is to your desired doneness.

Drain the pasta holding back a small amount of the pasta water. Add a little of the pasta water to the egg yolks and stir to loosen the eggs. Pour the egg mixture and the zucchini, bacon, thyme mixture over the pasta and stir to combine. Pour remaining cheese over the top and season to taste.

2 Responses to “Dinner tonight: Zucchini Carbonara”

  1. Mandy and Jace » Daniel fast recipes Says:

    […] you are leaving dairy in your diet you can eat this zucchini carbonara recipe without the […]

  2. Mandy and Jace » Weekly meal plan 6.14.10 Says:

    […] grilled outside!) Wednesday: haven’t decided yet. Probably paninis or leftover soup Thursday: chicken and zucchini carbonara Friday: date […]

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