
So, I know I should have done this at the beginning of the year but honestly I really wasn’t thinking about it then. I have lots of goals I want to reach by the end of the year and I have come to the realization that if I don’t tell someone about them, I won’t get them done. I have already conquered one goal but the rest I haven’t even thought about yet. So here is a list of my goals for this year.

Read more books
Learn to drive a standard transmission
Bake more breads
Learn to shoot (and look like Angelina Jolie doing it)
Learn photoshop
Climb the alpine tower at Lone Tree
Eat more candlelit dinners
Find a piece of seafood that I can stand to eat

I’ll post my achievements as I get them done through out the year. I’d love to know what your goals are, and if you don’t have them I encourage you to get a piece of paper out and write some down. You never know what you can do until you try and the pride that comes with conquering your goals is priceless.

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