Happy Birthday!

Last Saturday was Jace’s birthday and I loved that it was on a Saturday this year because I could do all the things I was planning on doing without work getting in the way. The week before we got him a new computer that he was very excited about.

Then the day before he got a new case to put it in. Apparently the one it came in wasn’t big enough or something. I don’t really know. All I know is that it looks really cool.

The day of his birthday we slept in late and I got up and went to the nail salon and HEB while he sat and played with his computer. Then I got home and made him banana bread since he doesn’t like cake. I know weird huh? I love him anyway.

That evening we went and ate at Luigi’s here in Midland. It was a great day of just relaxing and enjoying each other’s company. That’s not something we get to do very often. Most of the time we have at least one thing planned for the day. But it was nice not having anything planned and just doing what we wanted to.

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