Happy new year

We have made it to a new year, and I can’t believe it is already here. A lot has been going through my mind today. Some big things happened in our lives in 2010. It was so great I almost didn’t want it to be over. We went through construction and purchase of our very own house, moved in and got everything settled. I still don’t have the house fully decorated, but it feels like home and that’s all that matters. We traveled a lot more this year than we normally do and went to some places we have never been to before. We went to Florida, South Padre Island, Dallas and Georgia and had a great time everywhere we went. We did lots and lots of cooking, got to know some amazing friends and got closer to each other in the process of all of this. I’d say it was a pretty good year. The Lord has definitely blessed us with an amazing life and I don’t think I would change a thing.

The other thing on my mind is this new year. I have lots of goals and resolutions for 2011, but there are a few big ones that all the others just kind of fall into. My first resolutions is to get healthier. I got a treadmill for Christmas and I want to lose the last 5 pesky pounds that keep hanging on for dear life. I plan on continuing with my meal plans and sticking to them instead of getting too lazy to cook. I also want to feel healthier. I may have almost lost all the weight I wanted to lose, but I still feel very sluggish and gross. I want to feel good about my body inside and out. Not only do I want to work on my physical body, but I want to work on my spiritual body. I want to study more and learn about what I believe in and why. I’m tired of just floating though the motions.

Second, I want to learn to be still. I have to be doing something at all times or I feel worthless and like a bad wife and housekeeper. I know in the back of my mind that I’m not a bad wife because I sit and watch a couple of tv shows, but all I can think of are the things I could be doing while I am sitting there. I want to be able to enjoy il dolce far niente or the sweetness of doing nothing.

Have a blessed and happy new year everyone!

2 Responses to “Happy new year”

  1. Sommer Says:

    Have loved keeping up with you guys via your blog. Thanks for the yummy recipes & I think Jace has a great wife!!

  2. Linda Says:

    What a great video! Thanks for providing a way for us to stay connected. I’m so happy that you two are so happy. As I’ve said before, it makes it a “little” easier being so far away. And I think Jace has the best wife ever. Love you guys!

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