Christmas Time is Here

If anyone knows me at all they know that I love Christmas time. I love the lights and the decorations and everything about it. Well, I finally was able to get our Christmas decorations up this year and through a couple of injuries and trips to Home Depot I think I am almost done. They look great. We got the Christmas Tree up and we decorated our front porch. If I can keep Marilyn out of the tree I will be doing good. She just sits and looks at it longingly ready to jump in the middle of it. The only think stopping her is us yelling at her, “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT”. I think when we leave she plays with it because I found a ornament in the bathroom, but she hasn’t done too bad so far.

One Response to “Christmas Time is Here”

  1. Linda Says:

    What a great photo! And good luck with Marilyn. I remember T-Monk… 😉

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