Rosemary Crusted Pork Loin

I put on my Facebook status that I made this and several people said they wanted the recipe so I though I would share. This sounds hard but believe me its not. I am a definitely not the cook in this family so if I can make this anyone can.

I got this recipe from Giada De Laurentiis’ cookbook Everyday Italian and changed a couple of things to make it mine. I love this cookbook. I know a lot of people don’t like her food, but everything I have made that came from her has been fantastic.

Rosemary Crusted Pork Loin

2 Tablespoons olive oil
2 Tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
1 tablespoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
1 boneless pork loin

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

Pull the rosemary leaves off of the springs, discard the sprigs and chop the leaves. I like mine very small because I don’t like rosemary in my teeth but you can chop it as finely as you would like.

Combine the oil, rosemary, salt and pepper in a small bowl and stir it together. Rub the oil mixture onto your pork loin and rub it in well. Depending on the size of your pork you may not use all the mixture.

Put the pork into a roasting pan and put it in the oven. I use a thermometer that I can read outside the oven. If you have one, heat the pork to your until the temperature is to your liking. 160 degrees is the recommended temperature but we like ours a little more rare (don’t call the contamination police on me it is perfectly safe). If you don’t have a thermometer it should say on the package that your pork came in how long it should take. Mine took about 20 minutes.

Remove from oven, slice and serve.

2 Responses to “Rosemary Crusted Pork Loin”

  1. Mandy and Jace » Weekly meal plan 5.4.10 Says:

    […] rosemary crusted pork loin with mashed potatoes and whatever frozen veggie I can come up […]

  2. Mandy and Jace » Blog Archive » Weekly meal plan 2.28.11 Says:

    […] Here’s this week’s plan. Tonight: rosemary crusted pork loin Tuesday: chicken spaghetti Wednesday: cowboy soup made in the crock pot Thursday: leftovers after […]

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