The Answer to Everyone’s Question

Now that we are down to five months EVERYONE has been asking how the planning is going. I know what you are really asking, “Have you turned into a psycho-maniac yet?” Well I don’t think so, but You can ask Jace and my family for the real answer. Anyway, everything is going pretty smoothly. My dress is in Lubbock and we just have to have it altered, we have the boys set up for their tuxes, the florist is set and ready to go (at least that is what she tells me), we have all the stuff for the reception almost ready and we are set up for Romie’s to cater the great event. I have to decide what cake I want but we talked Maria Elrod into making it for us, so we know whatever it looks like it will be delicious.

We are also working on tiling the reception hall/old sanctuary right now and I think it is looking beautiful. I am so excited to see the finished product. I will put pictures up soon so everyone can see. For those who have seen the old sanctuary before, you wouldn’t recognize it now. Anyway it is all going great now. I think mom is stocked up on Excedrin Tension Headache pills for when the fun stuff starts in the next couple of months. As always we will keep everyone posted.

One Response to “The Answer to Everyone’s Question”

  1. Jace Says:

    No, baby, you haven’t turned into a psycho yet. And I’m not sure I’ll tell you when you do…

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