The juiciest burgers ever

I absolutely love a good hamburger. Hamburger, cheeseburger, sliders they all make me a very happy girl. They are also a summertime staple around here. There is nothing I like more than eating a juicy burger right off the grill. Oops, I just drooled on my keyboard a bit.

I was a little worried when I made these. I had seen some hamburger patties with cheese cubes mixed in the meat. I had initially mistaken them for butter and asked about them and they quickly corrected me. Then I got to thinking, butter makes everything better, why not burgers? So I cut the butter into cubes and mixed them into the meat. People, that was the best thing I ever did. They were delicious! Not healthy by any means, so be smart and eat in moderation.

The juiciest burgers ever
makes 5 large patties
1 lb ground beef
2 tbs butter, cold and cubed
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce

Throw all ingredients into a large bowl and mix with your hands or a spoon is you don’t want to get your hands dirty. If you have time, let the mixture sit in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. In the words of AB “your patience will be rewarded”. Form the patties and grill to your desired doneness.

One Response to “The juiciest burgers ever”

  1. Mandy and Jace » Blog Archive » Weekly meal plan 2.21.11 Says:

    […] the juiciest burgers ever and sweet potato fries Tuesday: 5 spice beef stir fry Wednesday: crock pot roast and potatoes […]

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