Things I am liking right now

I just got a new Ray Lamontagne CD. I bought it thinking it was the newest one and it isn’t. It is still good though. FYI, don’t listen to it if you are depressed, it won’t help.

I have been reading this Praise and Worship leader’s website for a couple of weeks now. He has a great balance between his home and church life and that’s something I have been struggling with lately. Just shows that it can be done. Also if you have an hour or so to kill he has a great set of videos from when he went and picked up his son from Vietnam. Get out your Kleenexes. His wife also has a really cool website called Whittaker Woman that is very refreshing to read.

Another website I found is called Better Living Through Design. It has tons of very practical stuff that is stylish as well.

We are off to Dallas for the weekend. I will do some posts next week with photos from our trip.

One Response to “Things I am liking right now”

  1. Mandy and Jace » Things I am liking right now Says:

    […] haven’t done one of these in a very long time so I decided to do another one. Anyone who spends even a little bit of time […]

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