Weekly meal plan 11.16.09

I’m hoping this week will be a little more gentle on me because last week beat me up. We found out Wednesday that my grandpa in Tulsa had to go into the hospital for pneumonia and heart issues. So Friday we loaded up the “big mama van” and headed out for one of the longest but quickest weekends of my life. We hurried to Tulsa just to sit in the hospital all day Saturday and half of Sunday, then hurried back home to get to work this morning. Needless to say I am a little exhausted today. Thankfully he is doing somewhat better. They have the pneumonia cleared up and now they are trying to get the right medication to control his heart rate and blood pressure.

This week I trying something I have never tried before. Asparagus. I’m not sure how I’m going to cook it yet, but I’m sure I can find something either on the food network website or somewhere in the food blogosphere. If anyone has any good recipes let me know.

Here is my meal plan for this week.
Monday: pork chops with fingerling potatoes and asparagus.
Tuesday: biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs
Wednesday: chicken patties stuffed inside the leftover biscuits and sweet potato fries.
Thursday: take out before praise and worship practice.
Friday: date night! I’m making Jace take me to The Bar downtown for a good burger and fries.

This week, along with some of these recipes, I will post my recipe from last week for refried beans. They are not authentic refried beans but they were so fast and tasty I didn’t care.

Happy eating!

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