Weekly meal plan 12.6.10

Happy December everyone!

We had such a great weekend! Saturday my wonderful, amazing husband put up a television for me in my bathroom, twice. Yes, twice.

I had told him I wanted it closer to the ceiling so I can see it from the bath tub then when he put it up I noticed that it was a bit to high. I sat and thought about it for a while because I didn’t want to ask him to take it back down and move the wall mount, but finally I ended up saying something and he was so great. He took it down and lowered it for me. I know he was cursing me in his mind but bless his heart, he didn’t say a word. Now that’s love!

Sunday, I got to watch my baby brother, my cousin and some friends jump out of a plane. No, I didn’t jump myself. It was VERY cold and I think it would be much more pleasant when it’s warmer. I was freezing on the ground much less flying through the icy air. They jumped right at sunset though, and I took some beautiful photos of them jumping into the orange and pink sky.

This week I HAVE to eat healthy. I haven’t fallen down on my diet, I’ve jumped off a cliff. So even though it’s no fun I’ll be eating only what will keep me from starving. I hate doing that because I have a very loving relationship with my food, but I have to look good for all the photos at all the parties we are going to be at this month. The plan doesn’t look very healthy, but it’s all about portion size for me.

Here is this week’s plan.
Tonight: chicken and pasta in a veal cream sauce
Tuesday: Strip steak, potato cakes and corn
Wednesday: on-the-go burritos
Thursday: Christmas party
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

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