Weekly meal plan 2.14.11

Happy Valentine’s day everyone! This is one of my favorite days of the year for a couple of reasons. First, I love a fancy date night. We are actually going to have two Valentine’s days this week. Tonight we are going to cook and have a nice dinner here at home then on Friday night we are going go go ahead and dress up and go out. The second reason I love Valentines day is I have a reason to give gifts (and get gifts).

This week’s plan is pretty simple. We are going to make tacos on Tuesday and if all works out well I will post our taco recipe on Wednesday. Here’s this week’s plan.

Tonight: lamb chops, lemon thyme rice and dessert (I’m splurging for Valentines day)
Tuesday: chicken tacos with pinto beans
Wednesday: grilled sandwiches
Thursday: take out after praise and worship practice
Friday: Valentine’s date night #2

Happy eating!

2 Responses to “Weekly meal plan 2.14.11”

  1. Linda Says:

    what kind of candy is this??? It looks beautiful and delicious!

  2. Mandy Says:

    They are cake balls. I’m working on a recipe post for them now and it will be up in the next couple of weeks. They are delicious!

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