Weekly meal plan 4.18.11

We decided several weeks ago that we needed a vacation. It has been a crazy and stressful past few weeks and we needed to get away and blow off some steam and stress. So we loaded up on Friday and went to where we feel at home, Dallas. We have never figured out why, but we have always had this sense of being at home every time we cross into the city limits. It starts in Ft. Worth, then we take this huge sigh of comfort and relief when we see the Dallas skyline. We shopped and ate and slept and slept some more. It couldn’t have been a better weekend.

Sunday before we headed home we stopped by the Dallas Farmers Market and loaded up on all of the fruits, veggies and meat we were going to need for the week ahead. We made out with some tasty stuff! Here’s this weeks plan that will be made with the food we got in Dallas.

Tonight: sweet and sour pork stir fry made with pork loin, pineapple, ginger and rice
Tuesday: dinner with our best friends Chad and Jamie
Wednesday: grilling steaks on the patio. Also, roasted potatoes, grilled veggies and salad
Thursday: take out night
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

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