Weekly meal plan 4.4.11

We had a great weekend! Saturday I tried my hand at making ranch dressing, and it came out amazing. I’ll definitely put that recipe up soon! Also as you can see in the photo above my amazing, wonderful husband made me biscuits and gravy Saturday night, and they were delicious.

Last week Pioneer Woman put up a recipe for beef stir fry that looked delicious. I’m pretty sure I dreamed about stir fry for a week after that. So, We are making our own version this week. Also we are making my favorite dish on Tuesday so it’s a good week for food!

Here’s this week’s plan.
Tonight: spicy beef stir fry (kind of like this one just with different spices)
Tuesday: sauteed chicken and pasta in a spicy cream sauce
Wednesday: grilled sandwiches and chips
Thursday: take out after practice
Friday: date night

Happy eating!

2 Responses to “Weekly meal plan 4.4.11”

  1. Sommer Says:

    Do you have a panini press? Or how do you make your grilled sandwiches?

  2. Mandy Says:

    Sometimes I use a press but most of the time I just spread a little butter over the bread and throw them in a hot skillet.

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