Weekly meal plan 7.19.10

We had a great weekend! Friday evening we went to the Quarterlife BBQ and it was a blast. My cheeks still hurt from laughing so much. Thank you Chad and Amanda for opening up your home to all of us.

We also put together several book shelves that we got at IKEA. I think we only have one more to go. The process seems never ending, but the ones we have up look great.

This weeks meal plan is a good one!

Tonight: fried chicken, mashed potatoes and corn on the cobb (yes, fried food)
Tuesday: pork chops and mashed sweet potatoes
Wednesday: burritos on the go (leftover meat from previous days with peppers and onions)
Thursday: Not sure yet…I’m going to try to throw something together after praise and worship practice
Friday: date night
Saturday: my birthday dinner at Shoguns!!!!

Happy eating!

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