White trash

I learned something very important when searching for this recipe. Don’t Google the word “white trash”, always put the word “recipe” behind it. Wow! I feel like Phoebe, MY EYES! MY EYES!

One of my favorite Christmas time snacks is White Trash and it’s super easy to make. This year I’m going to be making several batches and giving as gifts. You can get really cute little containers at Wallgreens or Hobby Lobby, fill them up, tie a ribbon around them and you have a great gift for those people you want to give something to, but don’t want to spend a fortune on. Oh, and I became my husband’s favorite person again after he walked in and saw the white chocolate goodness spread over the counter in the kitchen.

White Trash
adapted from Alton Brown
3 1/2 cups of Cheerios cereal
3 cups rice chex cereal
3 cups corn chex cereal
16 oz of M&M’s plain candy
2 1/2 cups mixed nuts (optional)
2 cups mini pretzels
2 (11 ounce) packages of white chocolate chips
powdered sugar

Pour all ingredients except the white chocolate into as large of a bowl that you have. If you don’t have a huge bowl you may want to use two bowls.

Put the white chocolate chips into a microwave safe bowl. Melt the chips in the microwave for one minute at 50% power. Stir. If there are still chunks microwave for 30 more seconds at 50% power. Stir again.

Pour the white chocolate over the cereal mix and stir, stir, stir.

When the chocolate is incorporated evenly pour the mixture onto the countertop lined with parchment paper or wax paper.

Sprinkle some powdered sugar over the top of the batch and let it sit and dry for about an hour or so.

Break it apart into pieces and store in an air tight container.

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